[caption id="attachment_732" align="alignleft" width="120" caption="Just sitting here on my desk, asking to be opened…"]
I’ve always been a fan of the duelist tin product from both a retailer’s and a consumer’s point of view. Why you ask? Value, this product has solid value to it and what means is you as the consumer get great value for your dollar. Let’s take a look at one of the tins (along with pictures of the tin I’m opening for this post).
As you can see you get several things in the tin:
[caption id="attachment_733" align="alignright" width="107" caption="Spill your valuable guts!"]
- 6”x4”x1.5”Empty tin. You can store stuff in here like YuGiOh commons, pennies or small rocks.
- x3 Packs of Yusei Duelist Pack 3
- x1 Pack of Duelist Revolution
- x4 Promo Cards (Frozen Fitzgerald, Underground Arachnid, Zeman the Ape King & Hundred Eyes Dragon)
- A Beginner’s Guide
[caption id="attachment_734" align="alignleft" width="120" caption="Ohhh shiny!"]
Let’s look at pure value here, the empty tin ($0.00), three Yusei 3 packs ($1.99 x3 = 6), one pack of Duelist Revolution ($8.99) & the Promo Cards ($10.00 total).
So we are looking at a total value here of $25.00 as of this writing (give or take some pennies). That’s amazing value for a tin that costs just $11.99!
Now you have these packs, you can trade them for cards, or sell them or you can do what you really want to do and open them! Here goes nothing!
[caption id="attachment_735" align="alignright" width="105" caption="Is there do-overs?"]
Yes as you can see I didn't exactly break any records for quality pulls out of these packs, but let’s examine what I did get:
x1 Scrap Beast – $1.50
x1 Majestic Star Dragon - $.99
x2 Amazoness Village – $1.99
x1 D.D. Unicorn Knight - $.50
x1 Big One Warrior - $.99
+ Many Commons
Total Value: $8.00 (Give or take some pennies)
Ahh the fun of cracking packs, you win some, you lose some. I guess I’ll get that Pot of Duality next time.
So there you have it: Duelist Tins = Great Value, even if your luck opening packs is as bad as mine.
Exit, stage left!
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