Saturday, June 25, 2011

We Have our Winners!

We had 25 posts, so I'm using to pick 3 winners in the order the items are listed: 1. is the Gunblade, 2 is Vampir, 3 is the BAR.

Of course comments are still welcome, but the entries are complete!

...and the winners are:

Gunblade to Bion, with the comment:
"That is amazing! Great paintjob!"

Vampir to brickmastre, who posted:
"Hey! I love those custom printed BrickArms- especially that BAR:)

Good luck to everyone!"

BAR to  Chris, who commented:
"Hey JD!

Another green weapon pack would be awesome!
Also, thanks for all of the contests; even if I don’t win, they’re still pretty fun!"

Congratulations to all the winners! Check your email to claim your prizes!


Bion said...

Thank you so much! Sent out my address. :)

Bebs said...

Thanks for coming over to enter! We'll get your prize shipped out quickly :)