Congratulations to Shadowrush97, this fantastic weapon is yours! Please claim your prize by replying to my email.
And THANK YOU to everyone who participated! We have more fun giveaways all the time. ANOTHER GIVEAWAY will begin here in just one moment!
Also be sure to check out our Banana Nunchucks giveaway on Facebook and our Spokesfig contest on the Brickarms Forums for more chances to win!
Hey hey hey, it's another giveaway!
We'll pick a random winner tomorrow afternoon (11/2/11) Next Tuesday, 11/8/11* - and add a different prize to win. Today: A Custom Painted M1 Carbine full stock
[caption id="attachment_1578" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Touched by the brush of the master..."]
All you have to do is comment on this post with your response to this:
If you could only have ONE Brickarm, what would it be and why?
Good luck, everyone! Our standard contest rules do apply!
*Sorry for the edit on the draw date - I was mixed up! Please bear with me.
AA Shotgun, its beats all!!
If I could only have one Brickarm it would be this amazing wepon the paint adds somuch detail I hope I win!
Its a amazing wepon!
I would love to have this amazing wepon its probly my favorite WWII wepon.
The U-Clip. It can be used for so many great things.
It would have to the ABR because Aug's are my favorite weapon as well I have a airsoft aug.
If I could only have one Brickarm, it would be a mystery pack. If that doesn't count, then an ABR, because they are modern, yet scifi.
M1911 perfect pistol for every fig.
Oh yeah isn't that a m1 carbine??
I would do ANYTHING for a Joint Force Scifi Rifle!!!!
Gonna buy the first one on Toywiz!!!
The minigun, because the pieces on it can be used for so many things. Nice custom!
I would personally pick the Monopod. It just has so very many building uses.
By the way, superb paintjob on this!
Well if we were talking last year, I would have to say the M4. Idk why but it just hit me as a great weapon, and the one I have, I always loved. (then i broke the barrel :S) anyway, talking now, it would have to be the ARC. :)
I would have to go with the U-Clip, as it can be used for so many different things.
A 24K Gold M1919 because browning rule
U-Clip,there's an endless amount of uses for that thing!
The M1A1 Thompson, the normal one, not the tommy, I just like it, it's iconic, but not too iconic, gripable but not too gripable, it's awesome!!
If I could only have 1 brickarm gun, I would like a rusty pulse rifle. The m41 is probably my favorite brickarm gun.
If I had to pick ANYTHING, then it would be this lovely M1 Carbine right here! That looks soooooooo realistic and I would be honored to have that! So yeah, I would pick that Brickarms ;)
I would want a bloody machete because it could be used for a variety of builds.
It would probably have to be the ACS. I would buy it now, but it's too much money. :(
I would have the M4 because it's one of Brickarms first weapons and it always been a fan favorite.
Id probably have the Ac8, because it looks awesome, and can be used for both modern and scifi.
I would take an ABR proto.
Most likly the M16 because of its many variations. Also, just to let you know, the prize isn't an M1 Garand, it's an M1A1 Carbine with wooden stock.
M16 flame, 2 deadly weapons at once.
It would be the "Rusty" Combat Shotgun JD gave to me. The paint job is fantastic, and it was given to me by JD himself.
I would probably have the HCSR, mainly because of its immense detail, and SniperOfDeathyishness. Three cheers for the HCSR!
The JFSR, because it fits into oh so many themes!
I would have the MG34 because its my favorite proto and has a high rate of fire. Btw, that's a M1 Carbine!
Kind of a hard decision. As much as I love the M4 and ARC because of their great uses, I'd say the M16. Fits vietnam through today and even farther in the future.... or the past.
I Realy Enjoy the M16 series.
The variaty of m16s that will has made are amasing its a hard choice of withch version is the best but if id have to pick only one it would be the M16 with a site it can be used it somany Builds.
I would keep my beloved green gunmetal swirled AA-12 shotgun because I am proud to be the holder of such an amazingly fine piece of Brickarms weaponry. This is because It is my first and only prototype that I hold dear in my heart because of its amazing swirls and epicness.
The M4 Carbine by far. It is one of my favorite BA. I would go crazy with only one, seeing as I have almost 130!
The combat knife: compact, deadly, and never runs out of ammo.
I would choose the ARC. It is very versatile and detailed, and it fits into nearly any era (except castle).
I would chose the ak-47. It has a wide variety of uses and is awesome!
Also It's an M1 Carbine not a garand...
I would have to go with the time bomb. So many perfect scenarios of using that little bugger. Sadly enough it is only a proto. =(
Definitely the ARC. So many uses and just amazing overall. (the minigun has a close second, followed by the original M-16)
Probably an M16. Maybe a minigun though...
i would want an aa12 shotgun or is it an acs the reason i would want it is i love to build modern and so many troops of my could use it
i would want a barret 50 cal beacause almost all my mocs use them
i would want an ak 47 it can be used for modern apoc and even the past
i would want an m4 i could use it for cold war apoc and modern
I think it would have to be the SABR.
It's just so beautiful and filled with detail!
I choose the Raygun. The first time I saw it I fell in love with it and it's now my favorite production weapon. It's also one of three prototypes I own
I'd have the M4, because in different colors it can be used differently, it was one of the first Brickarms, and it's very recognizable.
That custom painted gun because it's da BOMB!
If I could only have one BrickArms weapon, it would be an ARC. It has always been my favorite BrickArms, from prototype all the way to production!
PDK2019. It's from one of my alltime favorite movies, and it looks incredible. I have one for each ADU agent I own, and it's doubling for MIB agents as well.
A weapon which is one of every brickarms in every color,all molded into one weapon.Then I could cut it up!
The classic M1911 pistol, definitely.
I mean, the ARC is cool and all, as are all the M16 protos, but the M1911 is so... simple, and yet beautiful.
Also, it's much more compact, and better for a badass to prove that he can take out an army of kitbashs armed with crappy lego blasters only with a pistol.
Also, you can use it for almost every fig, from WWII to modern and sci-fi because it has a basic pistol frame that can match any other pistol in your imagination.
And, not to forget, Walt Kowalski used it in Gran Torino to kick that wannabe-gangster's butt. Great movie.
Well my over all favorite would have to be any version of the m16a1, I mean after all they come in so many attachemnets such as grenade luanches, + acog sight, shotgun!, and even a flame thrower! Who cant love that :P?
- Asdkk
M1911 is so… great!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, The AC8 is my favorite BrickArm, So why the hell would that not be the one I'd like to have most? :P
Luckily, We can have more than just one BrickArm, And I'm very happy about that already!
I would have to have an ak. It is the whole reason I found Brickarms in the first place. I saw an ak on ebay and tried to find the real seller.
It would have to be a Nun Chuck. I think that they are cool and the chain is so cool.
I think I'd like the Railgun. It's extremely rare, and it will fit almost any faction. Any Modern faction.
I would want the M4 as my only Brickarms weapon. It was the first weapon I ever added to my shopping cart. And mine are from the pre-reseller era.
I would have to say the Advanced Recon Carbine, ARC.
It has almost any functionality. It can be used in Modern builds, Sci-Fi, Apoc, and a ton more. The gun also have an immense amount of detailed packed into it.
Probably the Assault Carbine because of it's modding capabilities, and it's usefulness!
My custom Megatron Walther P38 painted by JD.
My reasoning: It's Megatron! That a minifig can wield!
Probably the M21, it's so universal (for themes)!
my favorite ba would be the mg42 because it is so histioracly accurate and a very symbolic weapon and fun to modify. ps i am on baf
The MCH. It just goes with so many figs perfectly, I'd have to have it.
Deffinitaly the PPsh. I love it as a weapon with the drum, but without it, it is a cool sci-fi rifle.
The one that I've always been interested in is the U-Clip.
I have around five, but more would always be helpful!
Oh Goodness. This Is a Hard Choice. The AC8? It's My favorite Brickarm So far!
Nunchucks, because they are the best weapon ever.
AC8. Best gun ever, good for modern and sci-fi.
The M16A4-GL ACOG with 2 Magazines in black for a few select reasons.1:It is hand made by the famous to us creator of Brickarms,Will.2:It is a very cool design and 1 of the Brickarms that I can think of the top of my head that has a scope that is not a sniper rifle based weapon.3:In a way,it comes with two prototypes(The Brickarm gun itself and the magazines,which has a design like that hasn't be made since the spy briefcase mag right?).And last but not least,4:as many prototypes may have the same fate,it may or may not see full production,making possible rarity in the future.
Rust Railgun <3
If I were to pick one BrickArms gun, it would definately be the Advanced Recon Carbine, or the ARC. It has very high versatility, the design is slick, and overall it looks very cool.
I'd have to say the M4, it's one of Brickarms first guns and its always been popular,theres just something about it that we all love.
My favorite brickarm would have to be the SFLR, because I build mostly Star Wars. I have yet to own it,but I hope to soon. The reason why it is my favorite is because it is very detailed and I like the kind of bulky feel to it. It's also a nice change from the Lego version. All in all the SFLR is pretty boss.
Mine would probably be the Apoc Smg. So awesome... =D
I would have to say the Apoc SMG... so awesome... =D
JFSR, it's just got such an awesome design, and teh chunkiness fits the Sci-Fi Feel so perfectly. It's beautiful.
A minigun
Gunmetal HAC.
It's the most versatile, and looks pure epic.
i would have to want an m16 masterkey proto beacause i do a lot of vietnam mocs and its looks great for modern and in some cases apoc
i would want a grease gun great for vietnam modern and apocalypse
Well, it would probably be the Halo magnum because it can be used for somany different genres.
~All Agog
I would have to say the M21 sniper rifle just because it was my favorite weapon when I found out about BrickArms, and it just looks cool!
I would want a combat knife because I love bladed weapons.
My favorite Brickarms weapon would have to be the minigun. You can assemble and disassemble the gun and paint it to make it pop out realistically. It also makes any minifigures look gangsta!
The minigun! Why? ..Because if the world wanted to turn against you, you'll have at least some heavy fire power! ;)
The BAR... a classic, durable weapon.
I would want the tommy gun! Say hello to my little friends!
Minigun with ammo chain, because it's so boss looking and epic and it can be used for anything WW1 and up.
Probably the Longslide, in gunmetal of course.
i would want a chakaram i belive thats how its spelled i would want it beacause i love sci-fi
i would want a m97 trench gun it can be used for modern apoc and ww2
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