What do you think - next time should we ask which pony would win in battle?
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
My Little Pony Poll...the herd arrived!
We always have a fun poll going at ToyWiz.com, and this week, something magic happened. At first, Transformers seemed to be in the lead. Then overnight....
That's right - over 13,000 votes for My Little Pony! It seems some great fans at EquestriaDaily.com decided to pony up and vote! We absolutely love their spirit and teamwork, with thousands of votes coming in very quickly. We paid a visit to their forums to say thank you, and changed the My Little Pony poll option to reflect our appreciation for what they accomplished!
What do you think - next time should we ask which pony would win in battle?
What do you think - next time should we ask which pony would win in battle?
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We must not fail.
You've done well!
Twilight Sparkle would win in a battle. :D
Twilight Sparkle could win a battle through magic.
It's already been established by ScrewAttack that RainbowDash would win in a battle against at least StarScream (well, G1 SS anyway). Plus how do you stop an Atomic Rainboom?
Not sure that Rarity could win a battle against rough and tough brutes. The opposition would be quite a bit more competent than diamond dogs, so she wouldn't really have quite the power of manipulation she otherwise exhibits.
AJ is stronger than RD, but not THAT much stronger, and she can't fly.
Pinkie Pie would invite the opposition to a party, and that could turn out either way, really.
Fluttershy just has to be meek, weak and helpless and the opposition just wouldn't know what to do in the face of such a timid display…until they hurt one of her friends and she goes into FlutterRage mode and they step down out of sheer intimidation from The Stare.
It's pretty sad that the fans just votespammed this to win for a simple poll. Shows that MLP fans are pretty immature.
Also, the poll system needs to be fixed so that you can't vote again and again just by refreshing the page.
The one that is faster than Rainbow dashand 20 percent cooler ,stronger than applejack AND also use her STARE master! Thats right,Fluttershy is the answer!
I mean Rainbow dash and 20 percent cooler.
stupid keyboard!!!
In my opinion I think FS and RD would win.
Rairty isn't that weak,well a little.
I got what you mean :)
Twilight Sparkle is my choice!
Pwease make a MLPFIM poll Toywiz and oh Fluttershy would win this battle!
If this is about voting background ponies then i'll vote for Derpy hooves...DERP. If the mane 6 then I will vote for Applejack,fluttershy and also dat Pinkiepie. Does Spike count? Oh wait,hes a dragon :/
I like this idea! I'll see what I can do!
I would vote for Pinkiepie but in season 1 when Fluttershy used the stare and got alot angry,she was now more epic.So i'm voting for Fluttershy since her Flutterrage is powerful. Sorry Pinkie >__<!
I would vote for pinkiepie but in season 1 when fluttershy used the stare and got alot angry, she was now more epic. So i'm voting for fluttershy since her flutterrage is so powerful. Sorry pinkie!
Oh and besides,will there be a Pony poll? I want to know! Oh and forget about my second comment cause that was a mistake.
We'll get a pony poll up soon!
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