Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Custom Toy Modifications

I'm completely amazed at some of the custom toy modifications I see - there's serious talent in the toy community! Our own JD makes great BrickArms custom paints, and I've tried my hand at it too.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="180" caption="One of JD's Creations"]Custom Painted HCSR Details.[/caption]

I'm finally ready to start showing off my own mods next week too! What do you think of "Mod Mondays" for a new theme? Got anything you'd like to show off? I'd love to post about it! Send me a link or attachment to and I'll talk about what you've done! I promise...yours are better than mine!


Lando said...

Alliterating theme days are always an awesome aim.

Bebs said...

Lando, I don't know why I'm compelled to do that, but I am!