Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Skeletons, ninjas and LEGO meet in the new Dojos of Spinjitsu!

LEGO Universe 1.10 was released today with lots of new content - including the Ninjago expansion!

Our Ninjago line of LEGO game toys has been enormously popular, so it's no surprise that LEGO Universe chose this theme for it's expansion. If you're not familiar with the game, I suggest reading up on your "Spinjitsu!" You get to choose weapons for a minifigure to arm him, mount him on the Ninjago base and spin against an opponent. Until now, you could only play with LEGO Ninjago sets, but now there will be battles online in LU too.  I wrote about Ninjago back in April if you want to read more, and see a short video.

For release notes on the LEGO Universe Ninjago expansion, visit Lego Universe News.

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